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By Paul Kamara

It was yesterday, that one of my brothers I harbour great admiration and respect for in staying put for the development of Kambia and the entire district, Brother Saidu Pedro, who made a comment; which no-one has yet responded to.

That: The people of Kambia District have been disappointed by Ernest Dura Kamara, Pa SSA Sankoh, Saidu Conton Sesay, Dr Joe Sam Sesay, Farkeh, Yellow man, Abdulai Sampa.

But are we disappointed in them; or, a deliberate failure of the system and the fact, that they were overwhelmed by it? Or, is it that all of us stood by and allowed the system to swallow or gobble us all up; by failing to speak out, due to the prevalent culture of silence and fear?

Before the Farkehs and the Ernest Duras, were the Contons, Sankohs and the Sam Sesays. The latter emerged from Shaki’s one-party system and many of our brothers thrived in it; and extends to CA Kamara-Taylor, Hamid Kamara, Dr Abdulai Conteh, Ibrahim Sorie to name a few.

It was under these great KD men; that many expect the Kambia-Tonko Limba Rd to had been constructed. Sam had the chance to had transform Kambia District to a bread basket. Conton under Nacsa and as COS to EBK; to had impacted on youth projects. Sankoh was director of defence; but had the big chance to had made a mark as Chairman of the KDC. In short, did they fail Kambia district or even their backyard?

There were some, who were forced to be part of the system or flee Salone. Abdul Thorlu-Bangura known as The Black Prince in London; defied Shaki and teamed up with Taqi and Forna who were later executed; and The Prince was sent into political oblivion and ended up in a remote village. His brother, Bai Farma Tass 2 was removed from the chieftaincy by Sir Milton; and an unknown Lebanese from Port Loko Mamoud Ahmed defeated him in the polls for the Magbema seat. HH Kamara and other teachers and pupils of Kolenten also resisted Shaki’s one-party; but cannot stand the onslaught of Ibrahim Sorie and other party loyalists. Abdul Karim became the most powerful secretary to president under Shaki; and often determined the fate of ministers and civil servants. But his mansion was burnt down by rebels; and died a remorseful man. Did they fail Kambia district?

The fact remains and a statement oftentimes repeated by Shaki himself that: na sens mek buk norto buk mek sens. Our bukmen did not live up to expectations; and did not live by the FBC motto: not for self but for others. Today, the Prince Harding and the Sama Banyas who once held sway under the APC; are now bleating that the SLPP will never again give power to mad men like the APC; and will rule Salone for the next 70 years and take the cue from a party in Mexico. But these are the two evil siamese twins-Luseni and Lansana who spread the evil trinity of dog eat dogism. Thus, a polluted system breeds a polluted breed. In short, they plant the wind, we reap the whirlwind.

But what did Kambia district actually benefit from Shaki’s one-party rule? Except for individual benefits, KD benefitted absolutely nothing whatsoever! And yet, the majority still cling to the APC party for want of a better alternative; or lack the ability to bring about positive reforms within the party. We therefore, cannot expect much from the Farkehs or Duras; when the Petitos and the Bai Mamouds didn’t live up to expectations. And the crucial players to had made a difference joined the jet age to seek greener pastures; when all seemed lost and forlon. Did they also fail Kambia district?

It is therefore, a collective failure but we can still learn from our historical mistakes; and make our ancestors proud, amongst them Farma Tami, Pa Momoh alias Pankilla and Pa Kambi. But we first, need to break the stranglehold of the one-party mentality. Bai Mamoud squandered most of the KD funds for the 2018 elections. He again, confessed to ACC of pilfering state funds; but led Team A to perpetuate the same one-party corruption and bone to bone politics. Inspite of the largesse from Kambians to fund Sidi’s campaign, it came to nought. So, until we can collectively say NO to the one-party mentality; the likes of Sidi with all their good intentions and favourite candidate; will never have a fair chance to ever play a role in the political development of KD.

Let us find the common ground to unite us. First, our negative mentality is derived from the SLPP bcos Shaki who actually is not the founder of the APC came from the SLPP; where he was both a founding member and senior minister under Sir Milton. He was given succour by the original seven APC founders after Albert drove him from PNP; but soon introduced the SLPP mentality and the one-party state he inherited from Sir Albert from the same SLPP. In short, APC abandoned it’s grassroots ideology; as a party for the people, the masses, nurses, students, traders, market women, workers and the sufferer. The APC must therefore, re-discover its original philosophy and that means going back to roots!

Second, let us go for the APC leadership and find one amongst us; that we believe is untainted and has the pedigree and what it takes; to be an unquestionable persona to win the polls. And I bet, that Kambia has the best candidate. The youth revolution has already started from Kambia. Both NRM and Team A have Kambia roots; the latter under Bai Mamoud and Sheridan has faltered; being an appendage of the one-party system. The NRM despite some hiccups; can still be a rallying point to champion the democratic and human rights struggle. But Kambia can stand alone; and with general support, we can not only solidify our Kambia hegemony; but also transcend to other districts. But first, let us form a committee of which Pedro and Sidi can be members with others; so as to summon a meeting to discuss these matters in-depth.

The APC is crying and yearning for change. Since the 2018 imposition, the party continues to fall into the abyss of schisms and chaos. The present defacto Team A led by Minkailu Mansaray inspite of peace tours in-country and recently The Gambia retreat; clearly shows that the falcon can no longer bear the falconer. Therefore, Kambia must rise and take its rightful place in the leadership struggle to build a new Salone; in the Youth Revolution in the God Revolution to free Mama Salone forever!

Aluta Continua!

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