Commissioner-General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), Dr. Samuel Jibao
By: Amara Kargbo
Gbalamuya Border Custom Post Check Point in Kambia District, one of the country’s revenues collections under the auspices of the National Revenue Authority has been challenged at the moment of coronavirus.
In an exclusive interview, Joseph Rogers, Manager of Gbalamuya Custom Post, noted that Sierra Leone is producing fewer commodities than what it consumed. Instead, it is solely dependent on the crossing- border trading.
However, since importation and exportation have considerably dropped it has equally affected their means of generating revenue in the border.
He said, in the midst of these difficult times, the Commissioner-General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), Dr. Samuel Jibao, and the institution has been rolling out supports to the National COVID-19 Emergency Response Centre (NaCOVERC), agencies and its community of operation.
The custom constituted apt security measures especially when borders were closed, checkpoints restrained movement of persons, instead, the commission only allows Lorry drivers with goods to ply the road.
As a custom, they will proactively protect the country against any harmful importation of goods, which ‘COVID-19’ is no exception.
Before COVID struck the country, the government ensured that all individuals as well as vehicles use the main custom root, provided firm security controls in all porous areas around the border which is in full operation.
The custom post also has an Anti-Smuggling Unit Patrol team which carries surveillance activities on people, and persons with goods along the border which in numerous stand will suffocate smuggling to an optimal level.
He submitted that, despite the World Health threat (COVID-19), that has lashed financially constrained impacts; the border custom will continue to do their best.